Thursday, April 28, 2022

Tips on How to Make Folding Laundry More Enjoyable

     Hey! Sorry it's been a while! We are soooo close to being finished with school. Tomorrow, in fact, is the last day of my CC (debate, research, exposition, latin, reasoning) work and today is my last day of Personal Finance! All I will have left is...algebra and history! Which, unfortunately, I'm behind on :( but I'm cruising my way through. 

     Anyway, to the blog post! 

   Tips on How to Make Folding Laundry More Enjoyable:

    1. turn on a podcast! i love this idea and use it often. It makes the time fly by and the chore seem enjoyable.  One of my favorites is the Whoa, that's good Podcast by Sadie Robertson Huff. 

2. listen to music!- love listening to music while I do chores, so this is definitely a trick I use often! Plus, there's so many different moods you can pick! 

3. listen to an audiobook!- I used to listen to audiobooks all the time, but I prefer to read as I'm a visual person. However, this is always a great option, especially if it's something you have to listen to for school or otherwise. 

4. watch a show!- this is not one I often use but I love it! This makes it a really fun time but it also takes a bit longer:)My favorite to watch is Flea Market Flip, Kids Baking Championship, or Fixer Upper. 

5. set a timer!- if you are motivated by a timer this is a great choice. Not only does it challenge you to do your work quickly and efficiently, you'll be blown away by how fast you can get it out of the way.

6. motivate yourself!- I surprisingly hate doing laundry. I put it off and put it off and then I'm pleasantly surprised by the fact that I did it and it wasn't *that* hard! So whether you're motivated by reward (e.g. if i finish folding and putting away my laundry in 10 minutes then I can play guitar/meet up with friends/finish reading my book etc..) or if you're motivated by fear (e.g. if i  don't finish folding and putting away my laundry in 10 mins then I cannot play guitar/etc../etc.) this is always a good route to go!

That's all for now and hope you enjoyed! Also, I hope this helps with those everyday menial tasks that have to be done :) If you have any other ideas please let me know in the comments! see you later!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Our Morning and Evening Routine as a Horse Owner

     This morning routine will change dramatically once Shania (btw we might change the name :) is moved to our house.But as of now: 

    around 7:30 - head up to the barn

    take Shania from her stall into the round pen

    hang up her pre-prepared hay bag 

    pour hot water into her pre-prepared grain bucket and give it to her

    walk Shania around the round pen 

    back home!    

    around 4:45-head up to the barn

    one of us gets Shania from her stall (she gets put back in midday) and walks or rides and grooms her 

    while another fills up her evening and morning hay bags and fills up her grain bucket and adds the             supplements. 

    muck out her stall

    make her grain/mash 

    hang her hay bag up

    after we're done working her, we put her back in

    head home! 

I usually get her grain together and sometimes her hay bags too. We all kinda rotate around on who is responsible for what.    

this isn't great--i know--but... 




Monday, April 4, 2022

Sorry about the break from the blogging

Lots of things have happened since I last talked to you all. Here's some of the big things: 

1) we got a horse. 

2) we got a livestock guardian dog ((LGD)) 

The horse's name is Shania, and we're still wrestling to decide whether to change it or not. She's a 16hh, dun, Quarter Horse, in her 20's. She's sweet but has some spunk in her. She's pretty perfect for the ministry we're starting. 

About the puppy! Tucker is probably 5 months old right now, he's already nice and big, he's cute, sweet, and smart. Aspen and him are slowly starting to be friends, and even played together (which, if you know Aspen well, is pretty awesome). He's picking up all the training SO FAST. He sits mostly on command, shakes on commands, automatically sits at the door when we bring him back from going potty, waits at the door till we're through and give the command, heels really well, leaves it etc. Probably the things he's worst at is laying down and recall. But we're working on that! This summer we're going to have a horse, ducks, chickens, and rabbits on our property so we're glad to have him. 

School has been crazy busy but I only have about 3 more weeks! 

So...with the horse, the puppy, the school, the life.......yep, I'm pretty busy. So, forgive me if the blogs are more infrequent. 

That's all for now!