Wednesday, May 19, 2021

 Chicken Story pt. 2 

Not much to write about yet. Rio has been getting more touchy about her space. A hen (Sunny, or Honey, I don't quite know) peeked in there and Rio yelled at her. It sounded like a very hoarse, angry cat. Harrowing. It happened again later. We do believe that she has been stealing the freshly laid eggs of other hens, though. So we might have any number up to 63 chicks:-) Unfortunately, since it'll be in stages that they're born, she'll abandon the other eggs to care for the already born chicks. We might have to borrow an incubator. 

Chicks anyone? I'll put you on the list! 😉 But we're in the homestretch, people! 12 or so days! 

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