Wednesday, January 26, 2022

10 Things You May Not Know About Me

 This might be fun and it might not. We'll see <3 Here is 10 things you might not know about yours truly. 

  1. I am an equestrian (also identify as a "horse girl") 
  2. I am a very competitive, temper-prone, introverted, shy individual
  3. I am an INFJ Personality (rarest in the world :0) 
  4. I love using magniloquent superfluous vocabulary (aka I love words) 
  5. My favorite retort is "it was an inquiry not an inquisition" 
  6. My favorite sentence is "tears prick my eyes. But they were not tears of grief nor pain, but tears of frustration." 
  7. I snort when I laugh hard 
  8. I am a very predictable person (friends/family can order for me: macadamia nut breve in the morning, vanilla London fog in the evening, strawberry Italian soda in the summer, burgers and fries all the way)
  9. I play guitar, violin, piano, tin whistle, and dabbled in cello and bass
  10. I accidentally biked down a 16 foot bank into a creek-and lived, without breaking my glasses ;-)
There you go!! Anything you didn't know? Let me know in the comments, and if you enjoyed this! See you later. 

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