Sunday, January 30, 2022

A Few Ways to Make a Great Impression

 Being totally honest...this post is a bit of a joke. But still, you might glean from a tip or two in here! :) 

Making a first impression is important-anyone will tell you that! So why not learn some tips and tricks that will help you along the way! 

if they shake your hand, shake it firmly. 

look them in the eye when talking

stand up straight, but relaxed

don't fidget

put on a genuine smile 

return the cordialities "Nice to meet you, too" etc 

make small conversation 

excuse yourself politely "it was really nice to meet you" "excuse me" etc

That's just a few of Anna's top ways to make a great impression. I hope you found them helpful. Enjoy, and see you later! Oh, and if you have any other tips I haven't mentioned in this post, please share in the comments! 

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