Friday, January 28, 2022

Life Lately

 Life Lately | Session 01 | January 

Hi guys! This is a new section I'm trying out! A monthly review/recap and "progress report". SO, January is almost over (can you believe it?!?!), here is a few moments of the month. 

Horse Lessons starting up again. We took a break for Nov-Dec. just because of our teacher traveling, weather conditions etc. Since the weather is still not great for riding we're just working on nutrition. One week I'll have a lesson and the next week I'll "take care of" that horse (groom, work, muck out stall etc). It's been going really well! 

(for any of you who're interested of course.) School has been going well, too. I have a pretty heavy load right now. For math I am doing Algebra 1 and a Personal Finance class. For science we are doing chemistry and reading a book called Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds. For Grammar I am doing Henle Latin, Expositon we are reading short stories and writing our own. Reasoning we are doing Intermediate Logic, History I am doing Antiqutiy with Dave Raymond, and Debate we are doing a Mock Trial. 

Guitar is going amazing. I've really been spending a lot of time practicing and playing guitar, and can see a lot of improvement. I'm saving up money to buy a new one (!) 

I've started a bullet journal (win for the 2022 goals!!) and I will post about that sometime soon. I, myself, am still new to the process and am always learning. News on my other goals is slow. My morning time and devotions time are going incredibly well, though, oh and so is reading. However, writing has been slow. One of my really good friends and I are collaborating on a book-and so we're still trying to find a time to write together. 

Summer is filling up, folks. I don't know if it is a :-( or a :-). But it is what it is. 

Have I baked anything new? ...

Have I cooked anything interesting? YES!!! I made Vegan Black Bean Burgers, yes it is worth the emphasis. AND it's really easy. I enjoyed this a few times during our church fast in early January-with dill sliced pickles and avocado-and so yum. TRY THEM. Actually, they're not for everybody. Nobody except me really loved 'em. 

That's about all for now, I can't think of anything else going on so...I guess I'm signing out! See you later and thanks for reading! Expect another for February, I think this one is going to stick around. ;-)

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