Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Looming Hats

 This is my favorite (craft?)...I don't know what the official categorization that hat looming goes under. 

But I love looming hats/scarves/leg warmers etc. a lot.'s really easy, I can get a baby hat out in (I don't know) a few hrs or so, I can quickly do a row here and there between school subjects, and I can easily do it while our family watches our show. 

What's not to love? 

Plus, it turns these projects out beautifully! Here is 3 baby hats that I made in December. I like them. But now I need to make baby boy hats, because these are girl hats, and I feel like only boys are being born/have been born. So, definitely need to get more "boy" yarn ;-) 

ANYWAY, here are the hats. 

I know that the coral one looks a little, strange, but after a little reshaping and pulling, it looked fine. 

Which one is your favorite? 

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