Wednesday, November 30, 2022

NaNoWriMo Day #30

 It is the final day of NaNoWrimo. I cannot believe how fast it went by! 

I definitely didn't start out too strong, in the middle I was doing great, but then I struggled in the end...which is pretty normal. Endings are always hard for me-you have to wrap everything up realistically. Plus, there was this pressing question of whether or not I should kill off an important character. It was rough!  

But I made it through! 

I officially wrote 50,000 words in 30 days. 

That's crazy to think about. 50K words, Twenty Six Chapters, 94 pages...and I'm not even done with the book yet! 

Overall, I really enjoyed Nano. It was hard, but it gave me the perseverance and determination I needed and I have a novel to show for it! 

& Here's a bonus view :) 

Thank you so much for coming on this 30 day journey with me! I'm going to take December to finish + edit! 
I hope you enjoyed!

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