Saturday, December 10, 2022

Meet the Animals Pt. 6

 Aspen Oakley 

Aspen is our St. Bernard/Bernese Mountain/Pyrenees 7 year old dog. 

She is Boone's daughter-but what's funny is she looks less like him than most of the other puppies did. 

She normally looks sad (that's St. Bernard for you) but loves to be out and about, skiing, hiking,'s her favorite thing. 

She HATES baths and never plays with toys; she prefers to just sleep most of the time. She patiently puts up with Tucker. She adores Lucy-even though the love isn't returned. She loves all vegetables and salmons skin etc...

She has a strange affinity for rabbits. She protects them and even cuddles them. She loves cuddles. 

Here's pictures! 

here she is enjoying blueberry picking

this bottom picture is when she was Top Dog for a obedience class that she and mom took together. She is very much mom's dog. 

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