Thursday, January 19, 2023

Life Lately

Life Lately || December 

December! It actually wasn’t that busy, except for Christmas, that is. Looking back, it felt crazy but actually…. 

In December I wrote a lot of music…I have no idea why! I wrote about four songs (not all complete, of course). And I like them all! 

I gave my sister a “spa night” as well in December. It was very low key, just candles and music and homemade face masks. I also painted her nails. We had fun, plus it was quality time, so…. 

We lived through a long cold snap. Everyday was at least -8 for about two weeks or so…I think it got to -16 once. Of course Soldotna was in the -30s because it’s always freezing there. But the good thing about cold snaps? You’re always pleasantly surprised at the balmy weather of 2 degrees :) 

My friends and I had a secret Santa present exchange this year. One of my friends organized a party where we drew the names, and then a few weeks later we met at the Res (favorite coffee shop ever) to exchange them. It actually ended up going really well! I got a Carhartt beanie and beautiful earrings! 

Christmas. The big one! I love Christmas so much! Things went a little differently because my dad’s schedule changed (which was hard for me as I love tradition/routine). But everything went well. I got a year long gratitude journal, my stocking stuffers (little things), and the best? A portable smoothie blender! I love it so much and it is so handy. 

That-in summary-was my December! 

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