Saturday, March 4, 2023

Allergy Friendly Quesadillas

 I made these for my meals that I packed…they are so fast and easy to make, simple to pack, and delicious. I used Siete’s Almond Flour Tortillas, refried beans, diced chicken and Daiya cheese. The thing about dairy free cheese is that it’s not actually cheese. Less is more. If you have more, it’s disgusting, sticky, and overpowering. 

I just spread a thin layer of the refried beans on a tortilla, added a thin sprinkle of cheese, a few pieces of chicken and put it on our stovetop griddle (you can also use just a pan) until it was golden brown, flipped it and let it cool before I put some avocado in it. They are really good and completely allergy friendly! 

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