Thursday, July 6, 2023

Book Review | Atomic Habits

 My most recent non-fiction read was Atomic Habits by James Clear and I have to say...I loved it. 

James Clear describes what habits are, the psychology behind them, the human reaction to habits, ways to build great habits, break bad ones, keep motivated, and more in a very clear way-broken down into four laws. 

I love that he doesn't only describe how to build the habits but how to sustain the habit. He brings so many things to light and gives you step by step instructions. 

I totally recommend this book to anybody who is looking for motivation and guidance making and keeping habits! It is 581 pages, so it's a longer read but definitely worth it! I use the app Libby for ebooks, and I was on hold for this book for months! It's popular for a reason! 

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