Tuesday, May 18, 2021

 Chicken Story 

Alright, I know a chicken story doesn't seem the, you know, most exciting. But it's exciting for  our family, and it's exciting for a few of you chicken-loving folks out there.

Last year we purchased eight chicks. Two Australorp, two Buff Orpingtons, and four Columbian Wyandots, we ordered all hens but two turned out to be roosters. We also ordered Bantam Silkies but they all died en route, I know, sad right? 

Anyways, back to my story. On Monday last week, we realized we had....drumroll please....a BROODY HEN!!! 

Yes, we are so excited! In all our years of farming goodness we have never-I repeat, never-have had broody chickens. And I just happen to be on animal chores for six weeks. That means I am in charge of this particular story. I counted 21 days from when we first found her on the nest box and they're due Memorial Day. 

It's been a learning curve, and lots of online articles. Hopefully she isn't a homicidal hen, just saying. We don't know how many eggs she has under her. We are also hoping that she isn't, ya know, taking the eggs that have been freshly laid by our other hens. Cuz that would mean we'd have chicks forever. 

So yeah! Updates to follow. When they're born I will definitely post pics. 

you enjoyed that way more than you thought, right?

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