Rearranging my Room!
I've been having a lot of trouble with these blog post titles, guys! I have no idea why, but it's annoying for sure. Okay, though, this doesn't sound fascinating, but it least to me. ;-)
I rearranged my room. Again. Actually, to be honest, I am in the process of rearranging=major things are moved and stuff is all over, not in the right places.
If you don't know me, I love rearranging. It gives my bedroom such a great new look and feel and it feels so new, you know? But my bedroom that I got last year (I think?) is not perfect for rearranging. It is shaped like an L (did I already say this in a previous post?) only not quite like the shape or look of this L. The bathroom is right next to my room, but doesn't go all the way to the back of the house, leaving a pretty small gap between the outside wall and the outer bathroom wall. SO, my bedroom (which is about the size of a horse stall, literally, the measurements that online says.) So my room has that cute little "nook", that is a blessing and a curse.
'Cause first of all, I LOVE that nook! And second of all, it makes my rearranging options a little limited.
But no room layout can keep this girl down, folks. I constructed a majorly awesome plan and put into place.
The furniture I have is: a Captain's bed, dresser (that I dislike), small desk, and a nightstand that I got for my birthday a while ago.
My Captain's bed is great! I love it, it's got nice- okay, not exactly nice-storage.
Here's the plan: my sister who's been wanting a desk forever, borrows my desk. I, who have been wanting my mattress on the floor but can't because then I'd have to sell my bedframe and I like going back to my bed sometimes etc etc...okay let me restart, now that you know the backstory, lol.
Here's the plan: my sister gets the desk in her room temporarily, my bed frame moves into the nook but my mattress stays where it is. My everything else stays as well. I turned my bed frame into this kinda like "couch" with a thin mattress pad, rolled up blankets, and an extra pillow. Guys, throw pillows are way too expensive. Then I put a bin of my desk stuff and books in the corner of the bed frame and it looks great. So it's like a little study/reading nook!
That's the plan. And...when it's all done there will be pictures! Oh, and one last little surprise...actually, I'll let you guess. Those who have seen this bedroom since 2012 you can guess what the change is when you see the pics.
Thanks for bearing with me through this possibly boring, and quite obviously long post. Be back with pictures hopefully later today, maybe tomorrow.