Let's face it. Mornings are essential to the rest of the day, they are, usually, a defining point. So, when you make your morning a priority, you'll feel your stress lessen, your productivity, motivation and energy levels for the day heighten, as well as your attitudes and behaviors. Lately, I've been trying really hard to make the most of my mornings, in a time efficient, but relaxing peaceful way. Instead of getting up, rushing around to get ready, and stressing out, I put in place a really helpful morning routine that has been working great so far! I've been taking time to enjoy my mornings, while at the same time keeping myself on schedule and productive. The key is not having a lazy morning, that's not actually relaxing. In order to put in effect a morning routine you need to MAKE TIME not just squeeze it in. So here is how I start my day off well.
5:30-wake up and go to the bathroom, wash face.
5:35-make bed!
5:38-get dressed, brush my hair, and put on chapstick.
5:45-do a quick tidy of my room and read my Bible
6:05-go downstairs, take retainer out, brush teeth , get coffee, get math out
6:15-start math and listen to my music.
One of the biggest issues I faced (and probably most of you do too) is turning off my alarm and accidentally falling back asleep. So I set a 5:30 alarm near my bed, and a 5:35 alarm across my room. So if I don't get up when my first alarm goes off, at least I'll have to get up to turn off my second alarm. Now that I've been using this schedule for a while, I am able to be up right at 5:30!
Making the bed right away is something really important. This means that you will not be tempted to lay in bed all morning, and also your room will be all clean, restful, and more enjoyable if it is made.
I NEVER do school in my pajamas; when you wear pajamas or do school on your bed, your brain is going to register that place/pjs as a sleeping/rest thing. Also, you won't feel as awake, alert, or energized for the day. So I wear comfortable clothes, like leggings, and a t-shirt with a plaid flannel, or leggings and a soft long sleeve shirt.
I think it's very important to take time in the morning for devotions because it helps you start the day off right. I like to do a tidy of my room so that it's clean for when I come back up later during the day.
Okay, it is SO IMPORTANT to brush your teeth right away. I hate morning breath and that gross feeling, magnified by retainers, so that's a big part of my morning. So is coffee :)
I listen to Focus Music on Spotify or William Augusto's "Soaking In His Presence" album. It's really good!
I hope you found this post helpful, and I'm going to do an evening routine as well (because it's also important to the start of your day). See you later!
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