Thursday, February 10, 2022

100 Posts + A Roundup

 Hello, guys! I have big news! This is my 100th [Artsy Otter] blog post! *cheers*. I am personally more proud about this than I should be because I started mid May or so...100 posts isn't actually quite a lot for that amount of time. But, I am so happy about this milestone! 

I decided, that, in celebration of 100 blog posts I would do a roundup of top ten favorite posts of *all time*. So here we go! 

1. Rainy Day Activities

2. 10 Things You May Not Know About Me

3. 20 Cheap or Free Family Activities

4. How to End Days off Well & How to Start Days off Well

5. Books on my Bookshelf

6. Life Lately

7. London Fogs Recipe

8. School Snacks

9.  How to Create a 'Space'

10. Highlighter Tips + Tricks

What is one of your favorite posts? Anything you want more of? Let me know in the comments! 

I've had a pretty broad variety of topics [recipe testing, recipes, interior design, activities, random, quotes, music recommendations and on and on] but I can't tell which kind I like the most! 

I've been reading other's blogs to learn from them, so I can be a better blogger myself! I've been trying to add more variety, and information into my blogs, and trying to be more interesting :) 

My goal-set low, mind you-is that by the end of 2022 to have 200 blog posts! (100 to go!) I hope to exceed that number, but start small and see where you end up, right? 

Alright, that's all for now! I hope you enjoyed this post! See you later :)

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