Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Recipe Testing

 Hey! Today I'm going to be sharing a super fast and easy recipe I saw on Pinterest one day. This is an "at home Starbucks caramel frappucino", I think? Maybe?? 

I didn't have caramel sundae syrup, but did happen to have butterscotch (like when does that ever happen) so I used that instead. 

    All you need to do is put 3/4 cup milk, and around a cup or so of ice, your add in (could be sundae syrup, chocolate chips, whatever) and blend. I garnished my glass of this thick, icy, fairly yummy drink with a bit more butterscotch syrup and pretzels! 

It actually didn't taste spectacular like I'd hoped, but it still was pretty good. Probably a 3 1/2 out of 5. But I enjoyed it nonetheless. It was delicious looking though! Maybe I'll get around to posting a picture of it soon <3 

That's it! If you tried this, let me know how it turned out! Thanks for reading, see you soon! 

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