Wednesday, September 14, 2022

10 Things to Do this Fall

 Happy September 14th!!!! 

    Here it is getting colder and darker and more autumnal each day. 

            There's actually so much termination dust on the mountains right now! 

Here's a short list of things to do this fall that are either fun and/or helpful!

     1. Deep Clean your Room...I like to do this at the beginning of each season) 

    2. Decorate your Room...all the fall

    3. Make Fall Recipes...pumpkin bread, London fogs, chicken dumpling soup

    4. Go for a Walk...the best time to walk is definitely in fall

    5. Art project...there's something about fall that makes you more artsy. 

    6. Spend more time with your pets...idk, but especially in the fall  I love playing soccer with the dogs, riding the horses, running around with the kitty etc. 

    7. Make Leaf Rubbings...I admit it, I love making leaf rubbings. 

    8. Experiment with a new drink...London fogs and chai tea lattes are so good in fall

    9. Start a new habit...drinking more water, going for a daily walk, daily Bible time etc. 

    10. Add some fall clothes to your wardrobe...scarves, plaids, carhartt, cute boots etc.

I hope you enjoyed this list! 

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