Thursday, September 1, 2022

My Morning + Evening Routine

 Hey guys! Here's my morning + evening to routine for school year '22-'23 as a homeschooled sophomore in high school. 

for Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 


5:30 am- rise and shine! 

5:40 am- (while listening to my Bible in One Year day) make bed, brush teeth, get dressed, do hair, wash face

5:50 am- workout 

6:20 am- shower + skincare 

6:40 am- coffee and Bible time 

7:05 am- start math 

(we eat breakfast as a family at around 8:30-9) 

for Tuesdays + Thursdays


5:40 am- rise and shine! 

5:50 am- (while listening to my Bible in One Year day) make bed, brush teeth, get dressed, do hair, wash face + skincare, tidy room

6 am-pack bag, pack lunch + waterbottle

6:15 am-eat breakfast 

6:30 am- coffee and Bible time 

7:00- start on a school subject 

on Tuesdays I go to Seward to study with a friend while my little sister and mom go to CC (classical conversations) and on Thursdays my brother and I go to a co-op in Seward. 


this is very flexible and fluctuates often. also, it really depends if my dad is working days or nights. 

8:30 pm-  drink a cup of tea and journal, tidy bedroom (if it needs it), get in pajamas, brush teeth, wash face, put out outfit for the next day, listen to music

8:50-family time + prayers

9:10-read in bed 


Basically, this is so flexible that these are the things I would be doing for my evening routine but the times are apt to change night to night. 

Also, on Mondays every week my brother and I go to YoungLife in Seward so I don't really do this evening routine then.

Thank you so much for reading! 

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