Thursday, September 1, 2022


 Hey! Long time no see... 

    I have been so busy and realized I hadn't blogged since June *audible sigh*. 

I decided to blog a segment about something I'm very passionate about!... 



I just love school. SO MUCH. And I'm very, very excited for September (that's when we're actually starting). This year will be a lot different as I will not be doing Classical Conversation's Challenge program but will be doing a homeschool co-op. There's pros and cons to both but for the most part I am excited! I am also excited because this year will be so much lighter than last year! Here's what I'll be doing: 

    Economics (RC Sprout Jr.) 

    Visual Latin (Dwane Thomas) 

    Algebra (CLT + Saxon) 

    Creative Writing (Sharon Watson)


    Marine Biology (Exploring Creation with Biology) 

If you know me well, you probably know which one I am soooo excited for and the one I am sooo not excited for. 😂 

I am doing Visual Latin by Dwane Thomas with Compass Classroom which I am pretty excited for (well, at least excited to not be doing Henle Latin :) 

Marine Biology, Shakespeare and Creative Writing are with the co-op-which I am looking forward to! 

Anyways, thanks for reading! 

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