Here are some helpful study tips for high school students! By the way, I am a visual learner :)
1. Read over the test or quiz before you start reading/studying-this will help you know what to expect and what to focus on.
2. Take detailed notes on what you're learning-titles for every section (e.g Phylum Porifera) with a sub-title (e.g. Sponges) and then bullet point facts. I prefer to use bullet points because it keeps the notes concise.
3. Read over the notes every day!
4. Study vocabulary every day until you can recall it easily! You can use a column with the Word to Definition or flashcards or Quizlet or whatever works best for you!
5. Use a study guide if possible. This is a great way to prepare.
An important thing to keep in mind is that I am a visual learner so a lot of these tips (notes, reading over etc.) are helpful for mainly visual learners. If you are an auditory learner, watch some videos, record your voice reading your notes and play it back, have someone help you quiz vocabulary. If you are a hands-on learner, recite vocabulary while on a walk or jump roping. Draw your notes out or make diagrams.
Thanks for reading and I hope these tips help!
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