Monday, December 5, 2022

Christmas This or That

I thought this might be fun (plus you get to know me a little better!) 

  • Fake Christmas tree or Real? - Real for now but probably fake when I am out of the house :)
  • Colored Christmas Lights or Warm Yellow? - Warm yellow all the way!
  • Do you prefer Christmas presents or stockings more? - Presents because stockings are mostly little knickknacks.
  • Getting or Gifting? - Gifting, it's one of my favorite things! 
  • Lots or little decorations? - As long as it doesn't look cluttered. 
  • Make Christmas cookies or eat Christmas cookies? - since I'm allergic and love baking...make. 
  • Christmas Music or Christmas Movies? - I don't think anyone can choose between the two.
  • Colored wrapping paper or brown wrapping paper? - I love the simplicity of brown. 
  • Homemade gifts or store bought? - I think homemade <3
  • Christmas dinner or breakfast? - that's hard but probably dinner. 
  • Christmas Eve or Day? - Christmas Eve for sure. 
  • Christmas Plaid or Sweaters? Sweaters...because they're more cozy. 
  • Peppermint or Gingerbread flavor? - I have no idea...
  • Hot cocoa or Apple Cider? - Hot cocoa in winter, apple cider in fall. 
  • Whipped cream or Marshmallows in the hot cocoa?- whipped cream if possible.
That's all I can think of! Maybe I'll make a part two if I think of more :) 

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