Friday, December 2, 2022

Meet the Animals Pt. 1

 Meet the Animals | Part One | Willa 

I thought it might be fun if I shared a little about the animals that we have! We have...a lot. (and hopefully more to come :) 


Willa is a kitten that our friends found in their shed. Nobody claimed her and they kindly donated her to Faith Place Farm as a barn cat. 
And we love her so much! 
She has killed so many voles and shrews, even when she was still so tiny. 
I was actually able to meet her on my birthday (I had been at YoungLife Camp when they picked her up) and she is so sweet but independent. 

Here's a picture...
Isn't she adorable? 
Some of her favorite things: riding on the horse's back, playing with the hay nets, sitting on our shoulders while we try to work, being curious, playing, cuddling with Aspen, dinner/eating and sneaking inside. 
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed! 

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