Our extended family loves to play minute to win it games at Christmas/Thanksgiving parties. It's so fun and involves everyone...plus it doesn't go too long and the games are always easy to play!
Yesterday, we had a Christmas party and my aunt and I thought of minute to win it games to play.
For each game you have one person from each team compete with each other.
We started off with the Candy Cane Transfer where each competitor had two plates, one empty and one with several candy canes, and had to use a candy cane in their mouth to transfer the other candy canes to the empty plate. This one had a lot of laughs and was pretty easy too!
Then we had the Ping Pong Toss where you had one minute to toss ping pong balls into a muffin tin...after the timer went off whoever had more in the muffin tin wins.
Next, we had The Ornament Pulley where two teammates tie a piece of curling ribbon around themselves and hook an ornament on...they have to spin around (which causes the ornament to travel along the ribbon) and hang the ornament on the tree. It was so fun!
We also had Christmas Tree Stack where each competitor had plastic cups that they had to stack (three on the bottom, two in the middle, one on top) in the shape of a Christmas tree, do a jumping jack, knock over the stack and see how many they could do in one minute!
We also had the Whipped Cream Search where we put several peppermints in the bottom of a pie dish and covered with whipped cream. Each competitor had to retrieve each peppermint without using their hands-the results were quite messy!
The M&M Elevator was really fun too; I taped two colored pencils together and tied string on either side of the pencil. Each competitor wrapped it around their ears to make a little 'pulley system' and had to pull the elevator up to their mouths and eat three m&m's that came with it.
All in all it was so fun (my team won!!) and everybody laughed a lot!
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