Saturday, December 24, 2022

Photo Dump [Alaskan Scenery]

 I decided to do a photo dump of my 10 favorite pictures I've taken this year...scenery wise.

Most of these aren't even edited and some (like the Venus' belt one) aren't actually good photography on my part, just beautiful. I have an old iPhone 5se, by the does way better photos than I thought! Comment your favorites! 

on the way to Seward...a rainbow pillar! 

On the way to Anchorage...beautiful purple Venus' belt!

Headed home from Seward...I am obsessed with the clouds.

Headed home from Anchorage...along the arm! 

Headed to Seward...I love this photo! 

Moose Pass for the win! Driving home after a football game! 

(I actually took this photo on a friend's phone :) Fourth of July! 

Flowers in Walmart parking lot in Kenai . 

The Grand Canyon from YL trip '22…I know this isn’t Alaskan, but it’s one of my favorites 

Just the sun peeking from behind our shed!

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