Saturday, December 24, 2022


 Here are a few goals that I have put in place for 2023 (its coming up so fast!) 

  • Complete Second Semester Refresh (January)
  • Do Ocean Science Bowl (March) 
  • Save up enough to go to YoungLife camp (May)
  • Get my license (in June)
  • Finish my NaNoWriMo novel (reworking, editing etc) by June 
  • Keep my budget tight (save, save, save) ((read that like an enthusiastic chant ;) '
  • Buy vehicular transportation (I might rent my brother's old truck for the summer so I can continue to save for a nicer car/truck) 
  • Horse Work
  • Start an herb plot in the garden

So yes, that is just a few that I am going to work on in the new year! It's going to be a pretty busy year with everything. I also never got around to the herb garden last year (we didn't do much in the garden at all with all the horse things) so it has been transferred to 2023 list-and I am determined! 

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