Monday, August 7, 2023

Day in the Life [on my day off]

woke up at 6:30 
devos (in Isaiah currently) 
read a little of my book
got ready for the day (this includes lots of cuddles with my cat) 
went downstairs and had a glass of water
made + enjoyed a smoothie 
emptied the dishwasher 
made a latte for my mom <3 
some research 
played my guitar 
more cuddles with my cat 
said goodbye to the first puppy going home with his new family 
planned out some recipes 
family chit chat 
made a fantastic lunch (cheese dip for my sister, a glorified leftover hamburger for me) 
got ready to head into town 
last day of dog school for Tucker! happy graduation! 
ate dinner 
family prayer
worked out 
got ready for bed 
cuddles with my cat...again 
fell asleep! 

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