Wednesday, May 12, 2021


So I decided it would be cool to post about recipes I will make that I've never tested before, and see how they turn out. I didn't use one of my favorite baking blogs, well known ones, or anything. A random recipe. 

Prep was easy. All the ingredients were simple-what I had. I did 2 servings and it was super easy like I said before. Then for the baking: not so good. It was a microwave recipe and 70-90 seconds took more like four minutes AND THEY WEREN'T TOTALLY DONE!!! They were gummy, tasted too much like baking powder, and were quite bitter. TOTAL FAIL! I followed the recipe so I don't think it was operator's error. Maybe better with whipped cream/ice cream??? 😉

Anyway just thought this would be a cool post. Fun for me to try, fun for you to read? Hopefully! 😉😊

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