Monday, June 28, 2021


Guys, I want to introduce you to THE MOST adorable, cute, amazing little thing you have EVER-and I mean ever-seen. So hold on tight and get ready to see the most precious thing ever. 
His name is Spike. 

And is he not so tiny!?!?! 

Spike is a baby snowshoe hare who showed up in our front yard this morning. We have no idea if the dogs scared his mother away, or if he hopped away by himself. Snowshoe hares do live close near here, they are often seen in the side yard where the dogs aren't allowed.
He is a pretty proficient little hopper so it could make sense that he would have gone by himself. However, he doesn't know quite enough to not be scared of humans. From a distance he looked like a baby porcupine or something. But when we crouched down near him he ran to us. We used a damp washcloth to wipe him off and put him in an open large rabbit pen in the side yard with lots of brush and greenery in hopes that his mother would find him. A few seconds after we walked away from the cage a snowshoe hare bounded across the yard and ran into the bushes. We used the washcloth to carry Spike over there and place him where we last saw the mom. Later we saw two snowshoe hares running all over the place near there. But upon later inspection Spike was still there. We're really hoping that he will find his family, or his family will find him and he will be safe. He most likely will be though! Love you sweet Spike!!! 

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