I've been working with Zebedee for the past few weeks, teaching him how to pass a ball back and forth.
He's been doing so well and picking it up quite quickly!
Here's how I taught him:
First, I taught him to target. This is a very easy (and helpful) trick that animals pick up very quickly. I am sure I didn't teach it perfectly, but basically holding my fist out, say the cue "target", and when he noses it I reward him. Eventually he learned to anticipate it.
Then, we would leave the ball in random places around and I would walk him on his lead rope towards it. When we approach it I would say the cue word and he would target it and nudge it out of his way.
He's still struggling a little bit when he's in a standstill and the ball is coming toward him instead of walking to it, but we're working on it!
He's so smart and learning so quickly!
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