Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Holiday Gift Ideas Pt. 8

 Gift Ideas | For Animal Lovers

Links to Amazon 

  • Socks-these ones are funny
  • Drawing Books-more for kids, but doesn't have to be! Click here for link
  • Office Supplies-these are adorable!
  • Clothes-I personally love this one and this hat is so cute!
  • Blankets-click here for link
  • A Halter-this is perfect for equestrians! click here for link  plus it's red!
  • A Lead Rope-also for equestrians...I like this one 
  • Dog Toys-if you're a dog lover, you probably will love getting dog toys to give to your dog!
  • Bracelets, Necklaces, Rings-like this bracelet or this really cute ring. (there's tons of options)
I hope you enjoyed and hope this helped! 

NaNoWriMo Day #30

 It is the final day of NaNoWrimo. I cannot believe how fast it went by! 

I definitely didn't start out too strong, in the middle I was doing great, but then I struggled in the end...which is pretty normal. Endings are always hard for me-you have to wrap everything up realistically. Plus, there was this pressing question of whether or not I should kill off an important character. It was rough!  

But I made it through! 

I officially wrote 50,000 words in 30 days. 

That's crazy to think about. 50K words, Twenty Six Chapters, 94 pages...and I'm not even done with the book yet! 

Overall, I really enjoyed Nano. It was hard, but it gave me the perseverance and determination I needed and I have a novel to show for it! 

& Here's a bonus view :) 

Thank you so much for coming on this 30 day journey with me! I'm going to take December to finish + edit! 
I hope you enjoyed!

Holiday Gift Ideas Pt. 7

Gift Ideas | For the Whole Family | DIY VERSION

These are DIY gift ideas to give to family and friends! 

  • Homemade Christmas Cookies-put them in cellophane bags!
  • Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix in Mason Jars-with some festive fabric under the lid!
  • Homemade Hot Cocoa Bombs-these are so cute and creative! 
  • Small Loaves of Homemade Bread (with homemade jam :)
  • Pretzel Rods dipped in chocolate 
  • Festive Chocolate Bark 
A few other great ideas (but not DIY) is board games, fuzzy blankets, funny socks, gift cards, books to read together...

I hope this helps and hope you enjoyed! 

Holiday Gift Ideas Pt. 6

Gift Ideas | For the Athletic People 

Links to Amazon! 

I hope this helps! ( also sorry it's so short!) Enjoy! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Word of the Day

 The word of the day is 

                MOTLEY "Meaning made up of many different people or things." 

Monday, November 28, 2022

Holiday Gift Ideas Pt. 5

Gift Ideas | For those "cozy" folks 

If you're like me there's nothing more exciting than a cozy day at home, alone. 

But, if you are giving a gift to someone who likes those cozy things and feelings here is a list that can hopefully help!  

There is so many things you could do! I hope this helped and I hope you enjoyed!

Holiday Gift Ideas Pt. 4

 Gift Ideas | For the Gamers + Techy People 

Mostly for the guys in your life-not saying there isn't tech enthused, gamer girls out there. 

This list was a bit harder to make! 

I hope you enjoyed and hope this helps! 

Holiday Gift Ideas Pt.3

 Gift Ideas | For the Musicians 

This holiday gift idea list is for the musicians-all kinds (I have vocalists, pianists, guitarists, violinists, and then in general). 

Links to Amazon! 

I hope you enjoyed! There was a lot of variety out there, for sure! 

Holiday Gift Ideas Pt. 2

 Gift Ideas | For Artists

This one is so fun! Links to Amazon!

Gift Ideas for the Artists in Your Life: 

There is so much more things I could have added! Hope you guys enjoyed this list and I hope it helps! 

Holiday Gift Ideas Pt. 1

 PART ONE | Gift Ideas for Writers  

I happen to be writer, so this was very easy and fun to make! 

Links to Amazon!

Gift Ideas for Writerly People 

That's just a few ideas I had for the writers...but there is SO much potential. I love all of these!!!

Gift Ideas

 Hey! It's the Christmas Season <3 

And I am very, very excited! Christmas is my favorite season (Christmas Eve is my favorite day out of the year); it's just so cozy and warm and delightful and I love it. 

I decided to do a holiday gift giving guide for a few different categories-I hope you enjoy. 

There will probably be three or four parts! 

Friday, November 25, 2022


 I love Thanksgiving!

We always go to our very close friends' house for Thanksgiving and it's always so much fun. We eat a late lunch, hang out, go on a walk or hike, and then come back for dessert. There's always a lot of laughter, especially at the kids' end of the table :) 

Since I am dairy free, I brought all my own dairy free food. I made mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing and peach pie and they all turned out to be delicious. 

Stuffing is literally my favorite Thanksgiving food. As long as I have it on my plate, it feels like Thanksgiving to me. 

What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

NaNoWriMo Day #24

 Aagh. I do not have a beautiful picture of the view today (as today is Thanksgiving).  

Also, sorry that this is late! 

If I'm being honest, it is HARD right now. I am on a tricky scene to write and I only have five days left!  FIVE DAYS. I just hope, hope, hope that I can make it to the end :) 

Here are my stats: 

Word Count: 40,668, 81.34% of the way through

Daily Word Count: 1,694 (yes, it's gone down a lot since the start :) 

Average Typing Speed: 21 Words per Minute

Estimated End Date: November 30th

Thanks for reading! 



Wednesday, November 16, 2022

NaNoWriMo Day #15


Halfway through! :o

Definitely difficult at this point. Very hard. 

Here are my stats: 

   Word Count: 25,700,  51.4 % of the way through 

    Average Typing Speed: 23 words per minute 

    Average Word Count: 1,713 words

    Estimated End Date: November 29th 

I am hoping to get a bit ahead because I wasn't able to write at all on Monday because of being in Anchorage all day. We will see. Right now, the part of the story I am writing is complex and hard to write, but I am planning on finishing that scene quickly. 

Thanks for reading! 

Friday, November 11, 2022

Music Recommendation

 Here is a music recommendation for you! 

Oat Milk Latte by James Chatfield. 

    he is an insane artist. 

    for real though. 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

NaNoWriMo Day #10

 Ten days through already :0 

here's my Thursday afternoon writing view! 

So far it has been progressively getting more difficult but it still isn't hard hard yet. We'll hope it doesn't get to that point during the next twenty days. 

Here are my stats: 

Word Count: 
18,075 (I technically should be at 16,667 today) 
35.33% of the way through. 

Average Typing Speed: 
22 words per minute 

Average Daily Word Count: 

Estimated Finish:
November 28 

Thanks for reading :) 

Copycat Costco Rollups

 I made these for my cousin's birthday party and they turned out SO good! 

   All you need is plain, flour tortillas, whole cranberry sauce, cream cheese, lettuce, turkey, and Swiss cheese. 

mix 1/4 cup of the cranberry sauce and 8 oz of cream cheese (I also made a dairy free version with dairy free cream cheese for my aunt and I and it tasted really good!) together in a bowl and spread it evenly on about 8 tortillas. Layer on the remaining ingredients and roll tightly. 

There you go!

I don't know about you, but I have always loved rollups and these were so delicious for being so quick and easy to make. Plus, you can experiment depending on what you have, what you prefer etc. 


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Delicious Doughnut Recipe

I made 4 dozen doughnuts for my dad to take to work last Sunday and here is the AMAZING recipe I used! It felt so easy and fast to make! Definitely recommend! 

Click here for the link!

Like I said, it felt so easy to make (and usually doughnuts are overwhelming for me) 

Also they turned out SO good and I didn't even have to make a glaze, just rolled them in sugar when they were still hot. 

All the guys at work loved them (usually they just get Safeway donuts) and so did my family! 

5/5 stars!

Sunday, November 6, 2022

It's Crazy

 Saturday morning, I looked out my window and spotted what I thought was Aspen, our dog, just traipsing around the side yard (where she is not allowed). So, I got up and walked to my window and saw that it was in fact a coyote. It was just standing there, looking at our chicken tractor and duck coop. I immediately ran downstairs and told my dad who went out there with a gun. Fortunately, or unfortunately? the coyote ran back into the woods. We had been hearing some yipping for the past few days and I thought I had heard some howling a couple nights ago, just thinking it was coyotes across the lake. So that was a pretty crazy encounter! I don't think I remember ever having a coyote in the yard. Bears, yes. Lynx, yes. But not coyotes, they're pretty elusive. Anyway, this winter is going to be tough, so that's why a lot of animals are more desperate. One of our friends had a bear in her round pen try to get her horses the other day. Also, we had a raven murder a chicken in our coop, which is also fairly strange.

it's not a great picture but here it is

Saturday, November 5, 2022

NaNoWriMo Day #5

 It is the fifth day of NaNoWriMo! 

    Technically, I should be at 8,333 words to be on track....but...

        I am officially at 12,474 words! 

I know that Sunday will be super full so I tried get a bit ahead. If I keep doing what I'm doing I should be done by November 20th, so that gives me ten days of fallback which is very relieving. 

I'm so excited and so far it's been very good! 

Here are my stats: 

Word Count: 12,474

Average Writing Speed: 23 words per minute

Average Words per Day (keep in mind I did nothing on the first day and restarted mostly through the second day): 2,494 

the Nano website also has a cool tracker so that when you update your words you input where you wrote, how your mood was, and how long it took. 

So there you go! Hopefully, I'll post every five days or so to update my progress and keep accountable! 

thanks for reading :)

Thursday, November 3, 2022

A Beautiful View

 Today, at the library, I was able to enjoy a beautiful November view out the window while I wrote. 


 I am actually doing NaNoWriMo 2022! I'm crazy. 

        If you don't know, NaNoWriMo stands for National NovelWriting Month, where thousands of writes across the globe write 50,000 words during the month of November. It is pretty insane. Obviously, it is quantity over quality so I am not using a W.I.P like a Nano Rebel and instead have started a new novel...well, I started one. 

    I wasn't feeling it so I started another. 

    3,336 words in, I decided it wasn't meant to be. 

    So I started ANOTHER one, and I think this one is going to work out. 

    Because I decided so late I didn't get to use any of October to prep for this novel (outline, think, etc...) so I am a teensy bit nervous. 

    Buttttt, now with this new novel, I actually have had this idea in my head, I think it will work out just fine. It is the prequel to one of my most serious Works in Progress. I'm very excited for this idea and I really hope it works out well.